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Our National Teams:
We use
Artificial Intelligence and Analytics to capture individual player stats and pinpoint exact areas to rise to greatness!

Growing 1,032+ 

Volleyball Players & Leaders since inception

Fun | Positive | Kind | Respect | Passion | Compassion | Assertive | Explosive | DRIVEN | Communication | Balanced | Self-Starter

Our Values....


Rise to Greatness

At Driven Dragons Volleyball Academy, we've been dedicated to developing young ladies into expert volleyball players and leaders on and off the court.  Located in the heart of Downingtown, PA.  We operate out of United Sports.

Kristen Bibeau,

West Chester, PA

“We’ve worked with the Driven Dragons Volleyball Academy for about a year, in clinics, camps, and participated in their travel club season last year. Their founder Jaime has a heart of gold, a deep passion for volleyball, but perhaps her greatest attribute is her commitment to helping children grow in both skill and confidence.

Her approach to her club is to build

Confidence, skills, and passion in volleyball, no matter what level you’re starting with. We came to the club with a couple of years of clinics under our belt, but hadn’t had any club experience. Jaime and her husband Christian were excellent navigators on teaching the girls (and the parents) how club volleyball works. I am endlessly grateful for their approach because as we soon learned, the volleyball community is quite competitive and it is easy to feel “lost” at those tournaments. But Jaime and Christian ALWAYS made sure we knew what was happening, when, and what we could expect next. Their communication is stellar, they are great at using multiple channels to get messages out and are always approachable with questions. We cannot recommend them enough! They’ve grown immensely just in their first year, expanding from 2 teams to 5+, and have brought on some really top notch coaches. We can’t wait to see where they soar next! If you are considering dipping your toe into the volleyball scene for the first time, or if you’ve been playing for a while and want to explore a new club, contact Jaime and the Driven Dragons; highly recommend them!”

Mayya Shveygert,

Downingtown, PA

"My daughter absolutely loved the Fall clinic. She is 12 and it was her first time playing volleyball, and she can be very hard on herself sometimes. She wants to get things done perfectly and gets discouraged when she feels like she is not doing it well enough. The coaches were so positive, encouraging, and supportive that she thrived and gained confidence in herself. She had a fantastic experience and learned very quickly.

Now volleyball is her favorite sport and she wants to do more. We signed her up for the club.

The owners are passionate about volleyball, love working with children and have high quality and integrity standards. We are glad we found them."

Jaime Winters,

Downingtown, PA

"Downingtown Volleyball Academy new to the community athletics programs 2022, grew from a Facebook post asking about any opportunities for girls Volleyball clinics/teams. Within mere days of seeing the girls' interest in Volleyball, this organization was created, and they are on point. Designed communication platform, scheduling, enthusiastic coaches, and a lot of very excited young ladies, and DVA was set and will no doubt continue serving families in our area, teaching and coaching Volleyball for a long time to come. Our family highly recommends this organization and is an invaluable asset to our community. "

Contact Us


United Sports

1426 Marshallton Thorndale Road, Downingtown, PA 19335


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Phone:  610-348-7761


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